

Din sökning på "*" gav 128100 sökträffar

Lund CRISPR facility is here to help!

Published 19 November 2020 Pia Johansson, CRISPR core facility manager CRISPR is a simple yet powerful Nobel Prize winning technology that allows sequence specific editing and manipulation of DNA sequences. The CRISPR facility at Lund Stem Cell Center is here to help you with your projects using this technology. What is CRISPR and who is it for? CRISPR started as a “traditional” gene editing tool,

https://www.stemcellcenter.lu.se/article/lund-crispr-facility-here-help - 2025-03-14

Image Competition 2020 – RESULTS IN

By Alexander [dot] doyle [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Alexander Doyle) - published 2 December 2020 The results are in and it’s time to announce the winners of Lund Stem Cell Center Image Competition 2020. We are pleased to announce the winners of the Lund Stem Cell Center Image competition 2020 are: First place: Grasping at straws – Ludwig Schmiderer and Martin Hjort, Larsson group and Nanolund Sec

https://www.stemcellcenter.lu.se/article/image-competition-2020-results - 2025-03-14

Plans for the future of Lund Stem Cell Center

By Alexander [dot] doyle [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Alexander Doyle) - published 3 December 2020 Johan Jakobsson and Johan Flygare. Photo credit: Kennet Ruona The leadership team set to guide Lund Stem Cell Center for the next three years was announced in early September 2020. In this interview with newly appointed coordinator Johan Jakobsson and deputy coordinator Johan Flygare, we hear about th

https://www.stemcellcenter.lu.se/article/plans-future-lund-stem-cell-center - 2025-03-14

Taking stem cells to high schools during the Covid-19 pandemic

By Alexander [dot] doyle [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Alexander Doyle) - published 18 December 2020 Despite the ongoing pandemic, researchers from Lund Stem Cell Center are bringing science to schools both physically and using a digital platform. High school students across the Skåne region are learning about stem cell research in the ‘Taking science to schools – Borrow a scientist’ initiative, org

https://www.stemcellcenter.lu.se/article/taking-stem-cells-high-schools-during-covid-19-pandemic - 2025-03-14

Restoring neural networks and understanding brain disorders

By Alexander [dot] doyle [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Alexander Doyle) - published 8 January 2021 The Regenerative Neurophysiology Research Group – (left to right) Andreas Bruzelius, Daniella Ottosson (Prinicipal Investigator), Srisaiyini Kidnapillai, Christina-Anastasia Stamouli and Efrain Cepeda-Prado. Image credit: Johan Persson A research group from Lund Stem Cell Center aims to understand a sp

https://www.stemcellcenter.lu.se/article/restoring-neural-networks-and-understanding-brain-disorders-0 - 2025-03-14

Researchers help in the fight against Covid-19

By Alexander [dot] doyle [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Alexander Doyle) - published 19 January 2021 Researchers from Lund Stem Cell Center are performing ‘fast’ Covid-19 tests at Lund University Hospital. Image credit: Kennet Ruona With the enormous pressure on the Swedish health care system during the ongoing pandemic, researchers from Lund Stem Cell Center are helping battle Covid-19. In response

https://www.stemcellcenter.lu.se/article/researchers-help-fight-against-covid-19 - 2025-03-14

A new interdisciplinary co-op between researchers, healthcare and industry formed to fight the virus

By Agata [dot] Garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 19 January 2021 Sinem Tas. Photo: Agata Garpenlind The fight against COVID-19 continues. In Lund, researchers have been awarded a large Vinnova grant to identify a compound that could be used to prevent viral infection, and thus save lives. The project is a co-operation between preclinical, clinical researchers and

https://www.stemcellcenter.lu.se/article/new-interdisciplinary-co-op-between-researchers-healthcare-and-industry-formed-fight-virus - 2025-03-14

Emma Hammarlund joins Lund Stem Cell Center

Published 25 January 2021 We are very happy to announce that Emma Hammarlund and the Evolution of Stemness Control and Multicellularity research group have joined Lund Stem Cell Center! Emma and her team aim to understand how the rise of animals on Earth relates to the evolution of stemness control, an event we know very little about. Why animals evolved on the Earth remains poorly understood. As

https://www.stemcellcenter.lu.se/article/emma-hammarlund-joins-lund-stem-cell-center - 2025-03-14

PhD defence interview – Martina De Santis

By Alexander [dot] Doyle [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Alexander Doyle) - published 17 February 2021 Martina de Santis defends her PhD thesis Friday 19th February PhD student Martina De Santis will be defending her thesis titled ‘Next generation bioengineering of lung tissue for transplantation’ on Friday 19th February 2021. In this interview, Martina tells us about her research in the Lung Bioengin

https://www.stemcellcenter.lu.se/article/phd-defence-interview-martina-de-santis - 2025-03-14

Activation of ancient viruses during brain development causes inflammation

By Alexander [dot] Doyle [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Alexander Doyle) - published 1 March 2021 A high power microscopy image of a neuron (blue) in which the epigenetic silencing of ERVs are lost, resulting in abundant ERV proteins (red). Photo credit: Marie Jönsson. Researchers from Lund Stem Cell Center highlight the importance of controlling viral elements that reside in the genome and how their

https://www.stemcellcenter.lu.se/article/activation-ancient-viruses-during-brain-development-causes-inflammation - 2025-03-14

Regulation of RNA splicing reveals unique clinical features of aggressive breast cancers

By Alexander [dot] Doyle [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Alexander Doyle) - published 3 March 2021 Image of breast cancer cells expressing a stem cell marker (CD44, green signal) and sporting richly interwoven mitochondrial networks (red). Image credit Maciej Ciesla. Researchers from Lund University in Sweden have identified a new layer of gene regulation mediated by changes in ribonucleic acid metabo

https://www.stemcellcenter.lu.se/article/regulation-rna-splicing-reveals-unique-clinical-features-aggressive-breast-cancers - 2025-03-14

PhD defence interview - Shelby Shrigley

By Alexander [dot] Doyle [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Alexander Doyle) - published 9 March 2021 Shelby Shrigley defends her PhD thesis on Friday 12th March 2021. During her PhD studies Shelby Shrigley has been exploring patient-specific cell replacement therapy for Parkinson's disease. Defending her PhD thesis on March 12th, here Shelby tells us about her research within the Developmental and Regen

https://www.stemcellcenter.lu.se/article/phd-defence-interview-shelby-shrigley - 2025-03-14

New method for developing antibody-based drugs

By Asa [dot] Hansdotter [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Åsa Hansdotter) - published 10 March 2021 Image depicting the structure of an IgG antibody. In recent years, therapeutic antibodies have transformed the treatment of cancer and autoimmune diseases. Now, researchers at Lund University in Sweden have developed a new, efficient method based on the genetic scissors CRISPR-Cas9, that facilitates antib

https://www.stemcellcenter.lu.se/article/new-method-developing-antibody-based-drugs - 2025-03-14

New model of human airways speeds up the battle against Covid-19

By Agata [dot] Garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 12 March 2021 The fight against COVID-19 continues. In Lund, researchers are working to identify a compound that could be used to prevent viral infection, and thus save lives. “This model that has been developed with our collaborators will fill an important gap for current and future drug screening efforts for the

https://www.stemcellcenter.lu.se/article/new-model-human-airways-speeds-battle-against-covid-19 - 2025-03-14

Förklaring till farliga åderförfettningsplack vid typ 2-diabetes

Av petra [dot] olsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Petra Olsson) - publicerad 9 december 2024 Isabel Gonçalves och Andreas Edsfeldt har analyserat åderförfettningsplack från personer med och utan typ 2-diabetes och sett att plack från personer med diabetes hade lägre nivåer av skyddande proteiner. Foto: Petra Olsson Personer med typ 2-diabetes har ökad risk för hjärt-kärlsjukdomar och förtida död t

https://www.diabetesportalen.lu.se/artikel/forklaring-till-farliga-aderforfettningsplack-vid-typ-2-diabetes - 2025-03-14

Forskaren som banar väg för screening för typ 1-diabetes

Av noomi [dot] egan [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - publicerad 19 september 2024 Åke Lernmarks mångåriga studier av diabetesrelaterade autoantikroppar har bidragit till att öka kunskaperna om typ 1-diabetes så att det kan bli möjligt att börja screena barn för sjukdomen. Foto: Kennet Ruona Under sin mer än 50-åriga karriär har diabetesforskaren Åke Lernmark gjort flera betydande upptäckt

https://www.diabetesportalen.lu.se/artikel/forskaren-som-banar-vag-screening-typ-1-diabetes - 2025-03-14

Diabetesdiagnosen ledde till mångmiljondonation

Av oscar [dot] heimburg [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Oscar Heimburg) - publicerad 23 september 2024 Diabetesforskare vid LUDC undersöker vad det är som gör att vissa individer får typ 1-diabetes. Kunskapen kan bidra till utvecklingen av nya behandlingar som kan förebygga sjukdomen. Foto: Johan Persson När barnbarnet plötsligt insjuknade i typ 1-diabetes fattade barnets farmor ett beslut – hon skull

https://www.diabetesportalen.lu.se/artikel/diabetesdiagnosen-ledde-till-mangmiljondonation - 2025-03-14

Ny kunskap om typ 1-diabetes – snart avslutas jättestudien TEDDY

Av petra [dot] olsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Petra Olsson) - publicerad 4 november 2024 Forskningssjuksköterskan Jessica Melin tar ett blodprov på en studiedeltagare. I filmen berättar Åke Lernmark, vetenskapligt ansvarig för TEDDY-studien i Sverige, om studiens resultat. År 2025 lämnar barn inom TEDDY-studien in de sista proverna på mottagningar i Sverige, Finland, Tyskland och USA. Den inte

https://www.diabetesportalen.lu.se/artikel/ny-kunskap-om-typ-1-diabetes-snart-avslutas-jattestudien-teddy - 2025-03-14

Prisad för forskning om diabetes och demens

Av petra [dot] olsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Petra Olsson) - publicerad 1 november 2024 Joao Duartes forskargrupp undersöker hur hjärnan påverkas i samband med diabetes. Foto: Petra Olsson Diabetesforskaren Joao Duarte studerar vad som händer i hjärnan vid diabetes. I sin forskning tar han också reda på hur ändrade kostvanor kan få hjärnan att fungera bättre. Han tar emot Medeonstipendiet i s

https://www.diabetesportalen.lu.se/artikel/prisad-forskning-om-diabetes-och-demens - 2025-03-14

Protein som påverkar förmågan att frisätta insulin vid typ 2-diabetes

Av petra [dot] olsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Petra Olsson) - publicerad 8 januari 2025 Efraim Westholm och Lena Eliasson har mätt nivåerna av proteinet IGFBP7 i betaceller från personer med typ 2-diabetes. Foto: Petra Olsson Vid typ 2-diabetes har kroppen försämrad förmåga att frisätta insulin och det leder till för höga nivåer av blodsocker. Forskning ledd från Lunds universitet visar nu hur

https://www.diabetesportalen.lu.se/artikel/protein-som-paverkar-formagan-att-frisatta-insulin-vid-typ-2-diabetes - 2025-03-14